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Truro Center for the Arts Residency

Castle Hill recently put up a virtual exhibition of the work on their website which you can view here:

NOT REAL ART wrote an article about my work which can he found here:

Idol of Song

Idol of Song, ceramic, raku fired, dimensions: 21 x 30 x 13 inches 2021

A mysterious artifact unearthed from the bowels of ancient ruins in Niuchus on the planet Jirda. It is rumored that a faint melodic sound or song can be heard coming from the ancient relic.


Horned Censer

Horned Censer, ceramic, raku fired, dimensions: 9 x 16 x 8 inches 2021

The Horned Censer, much like other censers holds an almost sinister visage of a face. This one in particular has four horns protruding from its top layer. It’s glossy iridescent colors are what tend to attract attention, giving it an almost otherworldly presence. Like all censers, this one has a long hidden past that has been forgotten by the modern age.

Codex Relief

Codex Relief, ceramic, raku fired, dimensions: 11 x 4.5 x 4.5 inches 2021

Borrowing a similar design to that of the Powered Codex, the  Codex Relief is filled with relief designs of landscapes. These scenes depict the daily life of ancient Serhai Niuchians.

Mariukai Pots

Mariukai Pots, ceramic, raku fired, dimensions: 7 x 7 x 6 inches 2021

A type of incense burner found within the old ruins and shrines within Mariukai on Niuchus. The mountains are known to be snowy and harsh, especially for the Serhai who dwell there.
